Our COVID-19 Safety Procedures and Information

Our COVID-19 Safety Procedures and Information

by | Sep 2, 2020 | News, Patient Resources

To keep you and other patients safe, we have implemented a six-step protocol for the foreseeable future due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

#1 – Heightened Sanitation Protocols

Between appointments, additional time has been scheduled to thoroughly clean all surfaces and ensure each patient is entering a sterile environment.

This includes all surfaces from door handles, chairs, and any equipment.

#2 – Face masks must be worn

Please note these CANNOT be masks with an exhalation vent (as pictured below).


#3 – Hand Sanitizer on Arrival

All patients must use the provided hand sanitizer upon arrival – this will be found as you walk into the office door.

#4 – Pre-Appointment Screening

In the same way that our team’s health is being monitored daily through temperature checks and routine hand cleaning, your temperature will be checked upon arrival and you will be asked to reschedule for at least 14 days into the future if you have a fever.

#5 – Disposable Gloves & Face Shields

To protect you, our team are using disposable gloves and face shields for appointments to give you peace of mind and ensure your health is the overall priority.

#6 – Minimum Company for Appointments

You’re kindly asked to bring a maximum of one person with you for your appointment, and ideally visit alone if possible.

#7 – Stay in Vehicle Upon Arrival

Upon your arrival, please stay in your vehicle.

Once we are ready for you, our Patient Care Coordinator will call you to invite you into the office (this ensures that nobody is needlessly spending too much time waiting within our office).

Please have your paperwork, photo ID, and insurance card ready, and ensure that you are wearing a face mask at all times.

ONLY the patient will be admitted, however, one companion will be admitted with the patient if the patient is a minor or requires assistance due to a health condition.

We then ask that all payments are made over the phone during these times.

If you have any questions or are ready to schedule your appointment, then please call (410) 944-3100

We look forward to seeing you soon.

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Dr. Melissa Segev Au.D

Dr. Segev, co-owner of Audiology Associates, proudly represents the values of excellent patient care upon which her practice was established in 1977. She understands that to properly treat the patient, excellent state-of-the-art medical testing is required along with acute listening and understanding of the patient’s perceptions of how they are feeling and what their needs might be.

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