Your Local Audiologists and Hearing Experts
in New Mexico Ave. DC

Most people are still unaware of the true cost of untreated hearing loss. In addition to putting you at a greater risk of costly accidents from poor communication or balance issues, allowing your hearing loss to continue without addressing it limits your earning potential.

Misunderstanding critical instructions or a failure to understand the needs of your customers and clients are all part of a failure to communicate well due to hearing loss. In addition to reducing your productivity, your hearing challenges can cause you to lose your job, miss out on promotion opportunities, or discourage potential customers.

Our audiologists provide custom hearing care solutions that help protect your income and improve your earning potential. Whenever you visit our New Mexico Avenue clinic in DC, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your hearing health is in the hands of the area’s leading doctors of audiology.

We don’t just pass out hearing aids to mask your hearing problem. We focus on your unique hearing needs and provide the comprehensive care necessary to provide “better hearing” solutions that give your overall quality of life a boost.

Your Audiologists for Advanced Hearing Care in Washington DC

Audiology Associates - New Mexico Ave. DC

3301 New Mexico Ave. NW Suite 310 – Third Floor
Washington DC,
Fax: 202-244-4759

Opening Hours
Monday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Dr. Nikita Razeghi - AuD

Our Audiology Services

Better Hearing Care Begins with a Hearing Assessment

Statistics show that hearing loss is the third most common health concern in America effecting 1 out of 8 individuals. In the face of these alarming statistics, it seems that hearing tests would rate equal importance with regular dental and vision testing as well as having our blood pressure and cholesterol checked, but that’s not usually the case. Hearing loss effects individuals of all ages, lifestyles and social positions. Consequently, whether you’re aware that you have a problem or not, it is important to have your hearing tested. Hearing assessments are easy, quick and non-invasive, making them the perfect first step on your journey to better hearing.
Better Hearing Assessments at Audiology Associates
Overcome hearing challenges with the right hearing device at Audiology Associates NW Washington

The Most Advanced Hearing Aid Technology in New Mexico Ave. DC

Prescription hearing aids are one among many solutions available to help overcome your hearing challenges. They’re not what you might imagine. Instead of being bulky, ugly and frustrating, modern hearing aids are powerful, small, lightweight and allow you to enjoy greater hearing clarity and connectivity options to enhance your hearing experience. Our hearing care professionals don’t use a “one size fits all” approach to hearing aids. Instead, we seek the best solution for your specific hearing issues and apply the right instrument to meet your needs. We adhere to the highest industry standards, our audiological expertise and full transparency to help you hear better. Evidence of our commitment to your personal care is demonstrated in our unique treatment plans and 26-point fitting process.

We Take Things a Step Further to Serve the Community

Whether you stepped on your hearing aid, forgot it on the dashboard of your car or its delicate technology simply stopped working, we’ve got you covered. Our in-house repair experts in Washington DC have the equipment and expertise to get your device back up to speed in no time. We work with a wide range of manufacturers and models, so you can feel confident when you seek help for troubleshooting support, maintenance or repair. Discovering what your insurance coverage includes and how much benefit you can expect to receive can leave you dazed and confused without any answers. We understand your frustration, so Audiology Associates will check your coverage for you. We partner with all major insurance providers to help our patients maximize their benefits they receive while making the first steps along your hearing care journey as easy as possible.
An audiologist of Audiology Associates NW Washington helping a senior female patient

Meet Your Team at New Mexico Ave. DC

Dr. Niki Razeghi, Audiologist at Audiology Associates, Inc.


Patient Care Coordinator

Request a Callback

It’s often the small things that hold us back from making a positive decision, whether it’s a question or a concern.

That’s why, at Audiology Associates, a hearing care expert is on hand to help. Simply complete this form and when a hearing expert is available, she will call you for a friendly, no-obligation conversation to answer your questions.