How Much Will My Hearing Aids Cost to Repair?

How Much Will My Hearing Aids Cost to Repair?

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Hearing Aid Repair, Hearing Aids, Patient Resources

Your hearing aids have the potential to enhance your relationships, improve your overall health, and allow you to enjoy an active and independent lifestyle.

However, few things are more frustrating than a hearing aid that isn’t performing the way it’s supposed to. Avoid the frustration by letting us help with your hearing aid problems.

In order to encourage you to take advantage of our troubleshooting, maintenance, and hearing aid repair services throughout Maryland and the Greater DC area, this article will answer some common questions related to hearing aid repair.

What Causes Hearing Aids to Malfunction?

There are three main issues that lead to the malfunction or poor performance of hearing aids.

1. Earwax Accumulation

Between 20 and 30 percent of hearing aid breakdowns are the result of earwax buildup in internal tubing and delicate electronic components.

2. Damage From Moisture

Moisture causes corrosion and corrosion leads to circuit failure, reduced performance, and/or a complete shutdown of your hearing aid.

3. Component Defects and Damage

A broken case and/or loose wires are the most noticeable signs of damage, but less noticeable issues may include damaged or defective microphones, receivers, tubes, tips, and earmolds, which hamper the performance of the device.

How Can I Prevent Damage to My Hearing Aids?

Daily cleaning and maintenance of your device is essential in order to help limit earwax and moisture damage, and it gives you an opportunity to inspect your device for damage and defects before they become a more serious issue.

Proper storage and handling help reduce the need for frequent troubleshooting and repair. Here are a few quick tips to help prevent damage to your hearing aids and keep them performing as designed:

  • ZClean, inspect, and handle over a soft surface.
  • ZEliminate moisture (consider a dehumidifier or dryer), especially in the battery compartment.
  • ZStore your hearing aids properly to help avoid damage from pets and children, UV exposure, and
  • extreme temperatures.
  • ZAvoid contact with harsh chemicals (hair care products, colognes, cleaning solvents, etc.)

Can You Wear Hearing Aids to Bed?

You might think this question is a bit out of place, but wearing your hearing aids to bed is apt to cause additional damage and wear.

We generally advise people not to wear hearing aids when sleeping. However, some people feel insecure if they cannot detect sounds that alert them to danger while they sleep.

If you must use your hearing aids at night, you might consider an older backup pair for that specific purpose.

How Much Does It Cost to Repair Hearing Aids?

Our patients are covered by a manufacturer’s warranty, which means that repair and replacement of the device is covered by the manufacturer. Our hearing aid replacement costs include:

$0.00 for all devices and visits for up to five years with one of our treatment plans.

$60.00 office charge for cleaning, replacement parts, and service under the manufacturer’s warranty without a treatment plan.

$60.00 plus parts (e.g., replacing a receiver is $150.00) if your device is out of warranty and we can fix it in the office.

$370.00 per ear if the manufacturer’s warranty has run out on your device and it must be outsourced to a hearing aid lab. This repair is typically included in a six-to-12-month warranty from the hearing aid repair company.

When Is Replacing Your Hearing Aids Better than Repairing Them?

There are certain circumstances when it makes more sense to replace your hearing aids rather than repair them. Replace them if…

  • Z… they are out of warranty and have spent much of their service life in the shop.
  • Z… they are out of warranty and have extensive damage that is likely to cost nearly as much as a
  • new pair.
  • Z… they are out of warranty and between three and five years old—it is best to upgrade to new
  • technology that provides greater benefits that aren’t available with your older pair.
  • Z… your hearing needs, circumstances, or personal preferences have changed and a different model
  • or style is a better fit.

Partnering with Audiology Associates

Our patients choose to partner with us because we take care of their hearing health for life rather than sell a band-aid solution to fix a problem and leave all the risk in your hands.

A part of our commitment at Audiology Associates includes hearing aid repair for hearing aid users in Maryland and the Greater DC area. In addition to fixing broken devices, our hearing aid repair specialists provide general maintenance and care to prevent more costly issues.

Click here if you have troubleshooting questions or concerns about a low–performing or malfunctioning device and we’ll provide you with the support you need.

Schedule Your Hearing Aid Repair

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Dr. Melissa Segev Au.D

Dr. Segev, co-owner of Audiology Associates, proudly represents the values of excellent patient care upon which her practice was established in 1977. She understands that to properly treat the patient, excellent state-of-the-art medical testing is required along with acute listening and understanding of the patient’s perceptions of how they are feeling and what their needs might be.

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