Physician Resources
A Personal Message from Dr. Melissa Segev and Dr. Briana Bruno Holtan – Owners and Audiologists at Audiology Associates, Inc.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our Physician Resources page. If your patients are experiencing difficulty hearing or tinnitus problems then this page provides the tools you need to assist them.
For 43 years, we’ve stood apart from other advanced hearing care providers. The difference? We place patients’ comprehensive welfare at the heart of all our treatments.
Our satisfaction comes from the joy our patients feel when they are hearing more clearly, and able to once again connect with friends, family, and the world around them.
If you need further assistance, we are more than happy to help. Our friendly team is there to answer any questions and offer support, you can call us at (410) 944-3100.
Thank you so much for all that you do.
Over 1,200 Patient referrals From Over 30 Physician Offices
The Connection Between Untreated Hearing Loss and Dementia
In a study that tracked 639 adults for nearly 12 years, Johns Hopkins expert Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D, and his colleagues found that mild hearing loss doubled dementia risk. Moderate loss tripled risk, and people with a severe hearing impairment were five times more likely to develop dementia.
Are You Ready To Refer A Patient?
Complete Our Online Form
If one of your patients would benefit from our help, you can refer them to us by completing a simple form by clicking the button below. We can provide support to help them check their insurance benefits before carrying out a comprehensive hearing assessment. We will then be able to share our findings with them.
Request a Requisition Pad
Would you like to request a requisition pad? Simply complete the form below and we’ll mail you one within the next 48 hours.
Would You Like to Schedule a Zoom Call with One of Our Experts?
Just click the button below to schedule a Zoom call with us and we will be in touch to arrange a mutually convenient time.
We are here to help.
Hearing Health Resources
Audiology Associates, Inc. Experts Answer The Most Common Hearing Health Questions
10 Signs That You Might Have Hearing Loss
Dr. Melissa Segev & Dr. Briana Bruno Holtan
Hearing loss is often gradual and sometimes very subtle at first. As a result, others often notice our hearing loss before we notice it ourselves. A hearing loss that goes untreated tends to worsen over time and can ultimately lead to things like depression,… Read More
What Happens at a Hearing Assessment?
Dr. Melissa Segev & Dr. Briana Bruno Holtan
During Hearing Health Awareness Month, the team is encouraging as many people as possible to take their first comprehensive hearing assessment. This is important, as a hearing loss can remain undetected for years, and only a professional doctor of audiology can…Read More
What is Tinnitus and What Can I Do to Help It?
Dr. Melissa Segev & Dr. Briana Bruno Holtan
Have you noticed a subtle ringing noise in your ears since having a tooth drilled or listening to loud music? Do you hear a buzzing or clicking sound or sense wind whistling through your ears? It’s not your imagination. These are the symptoms of tinnitus, which is a…Read More